Like a Roaring Lion – Part 8 Amos 6:1-14 (read 6:1-7 here) 1) Be careful about placing your faith in the things you think you possess (6:1-7). · These two mountain capitals had something not so positive in common: they had leadership that was lulled into an irresponsible sense of security. o There’s no security except in Christ. · Calneh had been destroyed by the Assyrians in the mid-ninth century. Hamath was conquered by Jereboam II, the king of Israel during the ministry of Amos. Gath was a Philistine city that was destroyed by King Uzziah of Judah, himself a contemporary of the prophet Amos. o As someone once said, “God doesn’t pay at the end of every day, but at the end God pays.” · As one writer noted, and let this sink in, this kind of existence “has to be subsidized by the ordinary citizens who are looted of their goods through exacting of bribes and levying of taxes.” Be careful about placing your faith in the things you think you possess. 2) God resists the proud (6:8). · James 4:6 - “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Be careful about placing your faith in the things you think you possess. God resists the proud. 3) God judges pride (6:9-10). · Some translations will depict a relative as a “burner” going in to cremate the bodies. Some will say an “embalmer” to prepare the bodies. The ESV mentions one who is anointing another for burial. Be careful about placing your faith in the things you think you possess. God resists the proud. God judges pride. 4) Pride really does go before the fall (6:11-14). · Proverbs 16:18 -“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” · Karnaim means “horns” and by extension, “strength.” The pride of the people is seen in their saying that they had taken it “for ourselves.” · And in the ultimate sense, this whole chapter is about not being sinful enough to be so prideful as to think we can trust in anything but God. SHOW PICTURE (attached) at the cued time . . .