Sister's Through A Risen Savior.

 ". . .encourage one another and build one another up. . ."   I Thessalonians 5:11

Our mission is to connect women in order to encourage each other in our Christian walk as we travel through life together. 

We do that by hosting several events throughout the year.

  • Welcome ladies of all ages
  • Provide opportunities to build relationships and enjoy each other's company
  • Provide encouragement and support to each other
  • Serve one another and those beyond

For more information contact Barb Clark @

We will enjoy visiting with our sisters, a devotional, a craft, music and sitting around the fire.

WHEN:  Sunday, September 22, 2024

TIME:  5:00 p.m.

LOCATION: The Falls,

92 Hiway, Kearney, MO


Sign up below or at the Welcome Center at KFBC.

We will enjoy visiting with sisters, dinner, a craft, a devotional, music and sitting around the fire!

Sign up at the Welcome Center or below.

Click Here to Sign Up For Annual Fireside Fellowship

STARS 511 Spring 2024

SONshine Activity

STARS 511 Hosted a SonShine event on March 16, 2023.  Banana yogurt splits were enjoyed for breakfast and then ladies crafted SONshine boxes to share with others and bring encouragement.


Pictures provided by Kathe Lewis and Naomi Messersmith

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Pictures from STARS 511 Summer 2023 Event

An evening of fun filled fellowship!

An amazing dinner provided by STARS 511 of chicken curry and strawberry salad was served.  Ladies who signed up to help with hosptality helped provide yummy desserts.  Connie Seuell brought a devotion titled, "Thrills, Fills, and Spills," using plants as a demonstration.  A 30-second introduction of each book represented in the summer bible studies was presented by Connie as well.  Lacey Oettel led us in an activity using watercolors to paint a book mark.  Clara Black also taught the lettering.  We heard from those leading vacation bible school as well.
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